Ready to proof -- Clare 11/17/22

Buyers’ Guide Products

PCI’s 2024 online Buyers’ Guide has just launched, and is designed to provide you with sources for the important products you use to formulate, manufacture, test, and transport your products.

Below is a sampling of some of our Buyers' Guide product categories, as well as ads for our Deluxe and Premium Buyers' Guide listings in the product categories they supply. We invite you to reference the supplier* ads below, and click on them to learn more about each company’s offerings.

Plus, be sure to visit (and bookmark!) our easy-to-use online directory.

Video: Taigashots, Creatas Video+ / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

*Distributor and Supplier logos represent paid advertising. If you are a distributor or supplier and would like to receive information regarding your company’s inclusion online and in future editions, contact Renee Schuett at or (248) 786-1661.