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Table of Contents

Volume 39, Number 12


Material property, Font


Advertiser Index

Web Highlights


Shows and Conferences

Product Focus

Formulating with Mike

Buyers' Guide Premium Companies



Global Trends Represent Growth and Innovation Opportunities for the Coatings Industry, The ChemQuest Group Inc.

A Bio-Based Coalescent for Improving Latex Film Quality and Paint Performance, Indorama Ventures

Fibrillated Cellulose: A Bio-Based Rheology Modifier That Improves Tensile Strength and Surface Properties of Roof Coatings, Sappi Biotech

Evaluation of 1,3 Propanediol-Based Polyester and Polyether Polyols in Polyurethane Water Dispersions for Direct-to-Metal Applications, CovationBio PDO

Albert Invent

Coatings Trends & Technologies Summit

Buyers’ Guide Products

Buyers’ Guide Logo Page

Road surface, Cloud, Sky, Asphalt, Plant, Tree, Rolling
Drinkware, Food, Cup, Ingredient, Coffee, Tableware, Solution, Cuisine, Drink, Wood
Jet engine, Aerospace manufacturer, Cloud, Sky, Aircraft, Vehicle, Airplane, Runway, Aviation, Flap

PCI - PAINT & COATINGS INDUSTRY (ISSN: Digital 2328-8329) is published 12 times annually, monthly, by BNP Media, Inc., 2401 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 700, Troy, MI 48084-3333.Telephone: (248) 362-3700, Fax: (248) 362-0317. Copyright 2023, by BNP Media. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations. Change of Email Address: Send an email to: For subscription information or service, please contact Customer Service at: Phone: (800) 952-6643 Fax: (847) 763-9538.

Cover design by Nicole Bonkoski. Photo credits: FredFroese, PhonlamaiPhoto, and imamember, iStock/Getty Images Plus, via Getty Images.