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New PCI Podcasts Discuss Paint Recycling, the Supply Chain, and Sustainability

Sky, Water

Turning Old Paint Into Something Great

Paint Recycler EarthPaint takes old, unwanted latex paint, puts it through a recycling process, filters out impurities, combines it with other high-quality name-brand paint and then sells it to customers. The company also serves its community by employing adults with disabilities through partnerships with local organizations. Learn more in this new Coat It podcast!

Smile, Product, Sleeve, Tie, Font, Community

The Global Supply Chain — Where Do Things Stand?

Eric R. Byer, CEO and president of the National Association of Chemical Distributors; Mark A. Cox, director of procurement & supply chain, Superior; and John L. Logue, CEO of Royale Pigments and Chemicals, Inc., discuss the backlog of container ships leaving Shanghai, as well as the need for regulatory enforcement and infrastructure planning, and an immediate need to pass a contract with International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) before the contract lapses at the end of June 2022. Click on the play button below to listen!

Facial expression, Smile, Product, Human, Sharing, Organism, Gesture, Font
Material property, Organism, Font

Making the CASE for a Sustainable Future

Univar’s Chris Fitzgerald and Joshua Ackerman discuss their experiences with sustainability, why companies should want to be more sustainable, and how they can achieve sustainability goals. Click on the play button below to listen!

Smile, Tie, Font